** Changes relating to multibyte characters.

*** The variable enable-multibyte-characters is now read-only;
*** In a string constant, `\ ' now stands for "nothing at all". You
*** String indices are now measured in characters, as they were
*** The function set-buffer-multibyte sets the flag in the current
*** string-make-multibyte takes a string and converts it to multibyte
*** string-make-unibyte takes a string and converts it to unibyte
*** string-as-multibyte takes a string, and returns another string
*** string-as-unibyte takes a string, and returns another string
*** The new function compare-strings lets you compare
*** assoc-ignore-case now uses compare-strings so that
*** Regular expression operations and buffer string searches now
*** Structure of coding system changed.
*** The new function select-safe-coding-system can be used to find a
*** The new functions find-coding-systems-region and
*** The explicit encoding and decoding functions, such as
*** The new function detect-coding-with-language-environment can be
*** The functions detect-coding-region and detect-coding-string always
*** The new functions coding-system-change-eol-conversion and
*** The new function set-selection-coding-system can be used to set a
*** The function `map-char-table' now passes as argument only valid
*** The new function `char-valid-p' can be used for checking whether a
*** The new function `charset-after' returns a charset of a character
*** Input methods are now implemented using the variable
*** You can customize any language environment by using