root@harry  15:21:10/990815(...src-harry/tc2.0beta5)# ./Configure
Do you want to install all? (otherwise lisp only) y/n [y] <return>
What is Emacs' command name of yours? [emacs] <return>
What kind of Emacs do you use
(nemacs/mule1/mule2/mule3/mule4/xemacs20)? [mule4] <return>
Where do we place *.el files (~/xxx ok)? [~/emacs/lisp] /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/tc2.0beta5
Directory /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/tc2.0beta5 does not exist.
Create (y/n)? [y] <return>
Where do we place data files (~/xxx ok)? [~/emacs/lisp] /home/makoto/emacs/lisp
Where do we place info files (~/xxx ok)? [~/info]  /usr/local/info

Installation options are:
  Emacs (type):  emacs (mule4)
  Lisp directory: /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/tc2.0beta5
  Data directory: /home/makoto/emacs/lisp
  Info directory: /usr/local/info
Should we proceed (y/n)? [y] <return>

Copying bushu.dic and EELLLTXT to /home/makoto/emacs/lisp...
Backup old bushu.dic to bushu.dic.bak
Create /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/tc2.0beta5.
Compiling *.el files and installing them...
(cd ./lisp;  make install EMACS=emacs EL_FILES="tc-is20.el"  ELC_FILES="tc-is20.elc"  NO_COMPILE_EL_FILES="tc-sysdep.el tc-is18.el tc-is19.el"  lispdir=/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/tc2.0beta5)
rm -f *.elc compile.log
emacs -batch -l ../conf/make-elc.el tc-setup.el tc.el tc-help.el  tc-bushu.el tc-mazegaki.el tc-util.el tc-tbl.el tutc-tbl.el eelll.el  tc-is20.el 2> compile.log
install -c -m 644 tc-setup.el tc.el tc-help.el  tc-bushu.el tc-mazegaki.el tc-util.el tc-tbl.el tutc-tbl.el eelll.el tc-is20.el tc-sysdep.el tc-is18.el tc-is19.el tc-setup.elc tc.elc tc-help.elc  tc-bushu.elc tc-mazegaki.elc tc-util.elc tc-tbl.elc tutc-tbl.elc  eelll.elc tc-is20.elc /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/tc2.0beta5
Copying info files to /usr/local/info...
Making Makefile for mazegaki dictionary
rm: Makefile: No such file or directory

All the relevant files are installed.
However, you still have a little more to do before you begin using T-Code.
First, you have to add following line to your ~/.emacs file.
(require 'tc-setup)
Secondly, make sure that /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/tc2.0beta5 is included in the Emacs load-path.

It seems that you are using non-standard data directory.
Also, you may want to create 'mazegaki.dic'.
When you create it, place it under /home/makoto/emacs/lisp.
See files under 'mazegaki' directory and also Info file 'tc'.
You have to add 'tc' line to /usr/local/info/dir.
Please read Info /usr/local/info/tc for further information.
Good Luck!!
root@harry  15:23:17/990815(...src-harry/tc2.0beta5)#