** A greatly extended sgml-mode offers new features such as (to be configured)
skeletons with completing read for tags and attributes, typing named characters including optionally all 8bit characters, making tags invisible with optional alternate display text, skipping and deleting tag(pair)s.

Note: since Emacs' syntax feature cannot limit the special meaning of ', " and - to inside <>, for some texts the result, especially of font locking, may be wrong (see `sgml-specials' if you get wrong results).

The derived html-mode configures this with tags and attributes more or less HTML3ish. It also offers optional quick keys like C-c 1 for headline or C-c u for unordered list (see `html-quick-keys'). Edit / Text Properties / Face or M-g combinations create tags as applicable. Outline minor mode is supported and level 1 font-locking tries to fontify tag contents (which only works when they fit on one line, due to a limitation in font-lock).

External viewing via browse-url can occur automatically upon saving.