**** file-coding-system-alist specifies which coding systems to use
for certain file names. It works like network-coding-system-alist, except that the PATTERN is matched against the file name.

Each element has the format (PATTERN . VAL), where PATTERN determines which file names the element applies to. PATTERN should be a regexp to match against a file name.

VAL is a coding system, a cons cell containing two coding systems, or a function symbol. If VAL is a coding system, it is used for both decoding what received from the network stream and encoding what sent to the network stream. If VAL is a cons cell containing two coding systems, the car specifies the coding system for decoding, and the cdr specifies the coding system for encoding.

If VAL is a function symbol, the function must return a coding system or a cons cell containing two coding systems, which is used as above.