*** Changes to lazy-lock support mode
The lazy-lock package, one of the two Font Lock support modes, can now fontify according to the true syntactic context relative to other lines. You can use the new variable lazy-lock-defer-contextually to control this feature. If non-nil, changes to the buffer will cause subsequent lines in the buffer to be refontified after lazy-lock-defer-time seconds of idle time. If nil, then only the modified lines will be refontified; this is the same as the previous Lazy Lock mode behaviour and the behaviour of Font Lock mode.

This feature is useful in modes where strings or comments can span lines. For example, if a string or comment terminating character is deleted, then if this feature is enabled subsequent lines in the buffer will be correctly refontified to reflect their new syntactic context. Previously, only the line containing the deleted character would be refontified and you would have to use the command M-g M-g (font-lock-fontify-block) to refontify some lines.

As a consequence of this new feature, two other variables have changed:

Variable `lazy-lock-defer-driven' is renamed `lazy-lock-defer-on-scrolling'. Variable `lazy-lock-defer-time' can now only be a time, i.e., a number. Buffer modes for which on-the-fly deferral applies can be specified via the new variable `lazy-lock-defer-on-the-fly'.

If you set these variables in your ~/.emacs, then you may have to change those settings.