*** To enable Gnus to read/post multi-lingual articles, you must execute
the following code, for instance, in your .emacs.

(add-hook 'gnus-startup-hook 'gnus-mule-initialize)

Then, when you start Gnus, it will decode non-ASCII text automatically and show appropriate characters. (Note: if you are using gnus-mime from the SEMI package, formerly known as TM, you should NOT add this hook to gnus-startup-hook; gnus-mime has its own method of handling this issue.)

Since it is impossible to distinguish all coding systems automatically, you may need to specify a choice of coding system for a particular news group. This can be done by:

(gnus-mule-add-group NEWSGROUP 'CODING-SYSTEM)

Here NEWSGROUP should be a string which names a newsgroup or a tree of newsgroups. If NEWSGROUP is "XXX.YYY", all news groups under "XXX.YYY" (including "XXX.YYY.ZZZ") will use the specified coding system. CODING-SYSTEM specifies which coding system to use (for both for reading and posting).

CODING-SYSTEM can also be a cons cell of the form (READ-CODING-SYSTEM . POST-CODING-SYSTEM) Then READ-CODING-SYSTEM is used when you read messages from the newsgroups, while POST-CODING-SYSTEM is used when you post messages there.

Emacs knows the right coding systems for certain newsgroups by default. Here are some of these default settings:

(gnus-mule-add-group "fj" 'iso-2022-7) (gnus-mule-add-group "alt.chinese.text" 'hz-gb-2312) (gnus-mule-add-group "alt.hk" 'hz-gb-2312) (gnus-mule-add-group "alt.chinese.text.big5" 'cn-big5) (gnus-mule-add-group "soc.culture.vietnamese" '(nil . viqr))

When you reply by mail to an article, these settings are ignored; the mail is encoded according to sendmail-coding-system, as usual.